Monday, December 1, 2008

so i suck. what a procrastinator i am. its been months. months. i could blame numerous things for getting me off track - my busy two-job-work-filled-life, kids, the high holy days (i'm not Jewish but still they have recently impacted my life)...but i wont. truth is i have always been one to grasp hold of something hard and then let it go just as quickly. i start with the best of intention - but thats mostly all it ever succeeds to - intention -and we all know what road is paved with those.
my mind is a spark of one hundred different ideas and thoughts at one time. sometimes so much so i cant even concentrate on one before another one starts to trickle into the crevices of my cerebellum.
so maybe this blog should be just for me and not some grandiose plan to share my bright and thoughtful views on the worlds or the "jackassery" (thanks Robert Arnold) i come across an am inflicted with on a daily basis.
its just gonna be for me to vent about shit. share my thrift store finds. write a poem. share some cool new music \. or just whatever the hell else i feel like doing here.

and no worries, cameron still needs a fat suit.